SW 15th Ave Roadway Improvements

Client: City of Newberry
Services: Surveying & Civil Engineering
Year: 2022-present
eda has provided surveying and civil engineering services to the City of Newberry for proposed roadway improvements to SW 15th Avenue from SR 45 West to SW 260th Street, including realignment of travel lanes, additional sidewalk, stormwater retention, on-street parking, and relocation of utilities required for the proposed improvements.
In the schematic design phase, eda engineers prepared conceptual plans showing design details, cross-sections, and stormwater system sizing. The conceptual stage was important in order to establish the limits of work, which would determine if the City needed to obtain any additional easement/right-of-way for the proposed improvements.
eda prepared exhibits showing renderings of the proposed roadway improvements for discussion at a City Commission meeting. Together with City staff, eda formally presented the project and answered questions from Commissioners and the public. eda prepared a cost estimate for construction and is now finalizing the construction plans for the project, expected completion in 2024. The construction plan review process includes:
• City staff review and City Commission approval
• A stormwater permit application to the Water Management District, and
• An application for the Florida Department of Transportation for improvements within the FDOT ROW.
eda surveyors prepared a topographic survey, which included elevations, tree location, and all above-ground improvements as well as underground utility location and documentation of right-of-way lines.