Tower Road Branch Library Expansion

Client: Alachua County Library District
Services: Civil Engineering and Surveying
Year: 2018
eda provided civil engineering and land surveying services associated with an approximately 9,000 SF building addition to the Tower Road Branch Library. The project included site infrastructure upgrades, including utilities improvements, parking lot modifications, and modification of the stormwater management system. Civil engineering services included design and submittal of Special Use Permit and Development Plan applications to Alachua County. Final civil construction plans incorporated all proposed site improvements related to utilities, parking lot areas, driveway access, stormwater retention areas, etc., as well as construction administration. Services also included the design and submittal of utility permits to Gainesville Regional Utilities and stormwater permitting with the St. Johns River Water Management District. Surveying services included the preparation of a boundary survey, topographic survey, and underground utility location survey.